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Tattoo Culture >> Tattoo Quotes
Show me a man with a tattoo and I'll show you a man with an interesting past. - Jack London, 1883
"As for the primitive, I hark back to it because we are still very primitive. How many thousands of years of culture, think you, have rubbed and polished at our raw edges? One probably; at the best, no more than two. And that takes us back to screaming savagery, when, gross of body and deed, we drank blood from the skulls of our enemies, and hailed as highest paradise the orgies and carnage of Valhalla." - Jack London
"The universality of tattooing is a curious subject for speculation" - Captain James Cook - 1779
"With the Haidas, however, every mark has its meaning …" - James Swan, Tattoo Marks of the Haida, 1878.
"Not one great country can be named, from the polar regions in the north to New Zealand in the south, in which the aborigines do not tattoo themselves." - Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, 1871
"There is no perfect beauty that hath not strangeness in the proportion." - Sir Francis Bacon, London, 1639
In Tahiti, not all Europeans responded with the enthusiasm that had been exhibited by the British Admiralty's Captain James Cook, his Science Officer and Botanist, Sir Joseph Banks - who received a traditional Polynesian tattoo - and dozens of the ordinary sailors and seamen aboard Cook's ships. Missionaries who arrived in Tahiti at the end of the 18th century, turned tattooing from a standard practice into an embarrassing and punishable act of Paganism. King Pomare II was converted to Christianity in 1812 and he immediately put force behind a severe, regulated code that had been laid out by the missionaries. The death certificate for traditional tattoos was essentially signed in 1823 with the passage in the code that stated: "No one shall be tattooed and this practice should be completely abolished. This is an old and bad habit. Men or women who get tattooed will be judged and punished... The punishment for men will be work on ten measures of road for the first tattoo and 20 measures for the second tattoo... The punishment for women will be to make two big coats; one for the king and the other for the governor."
Anthropometamorphosis, Man Transformed or, the Artificial Changeling, Historically Presented, a Puritan diatribe published in 1653, railed against disfigurement of the body in pursuit of "ridiculous beauty," "filthy fineness" and "loathsome loveliness." - John Bulwer
The Greek philosopher Bion of Borysthenes (circa 300 B.C.) described the brutally tattooed face of his father, a former slave, as "a narrative of his master's harshness."
"We are all tattooed in our cradles with the beliefs of our tribe; the record may seem superficial, but it is indelible." - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. (1841-1935)
In 19th Century England, tattooing flourished as nowhere else in Europe, largely thanks to traveling seamen who would come back with permanent souvenirs of their travels on their arms. In 1862, it gained Royal sanction and members of the Royal family, from the Prince of Wales to King Edward VII, acquired tattoos. By 1890 the fad had spread to the US and tattoos were seen on members of the exclusive New York Racquet Club. - It is certainly the most vulgar and barbarous habit the eccentric mind of fashion ever invented. It may do for an illiterate seaman, but hardly for an aristocrat. Society men in England were the victims of circumstance when the Prince of Wales had his body tattooed. Like a flock of sheep driven by their master they had to follow suit. (Socialite of the day Ward McAllister who complained to the press about the fad) - Strange how this attitude has endured to the 21st century...
In the 19th century, Field Marshal Earl Roberts said that "every officer in the British army should be tattooed with his regimental crest. Not only does this encourage esprit de corps but also assists in the identification of casualties."
What is the origin of this usage? Religion, which has so much power over peoples and which proves so obstinate in preserving ancient customs, has certainly contributed to maintain it among the more barbarous part of our populations; we see a quasi-official proof of it at Lorette. Those who cultivate a devotion for a saint believe that by engraving his image on their flesh they will give him a proof, a clear testimony of their love. Cesare Lombroso, The Savage Origin of Tattooing, Popular Science Monthly, 1896
"The human body is always treated as an image of society." Anthropologist Mary Douglas
Vaturemba, a chief in the Tholo Hills, chuckled wickedly when questioned, and declared that physically there was the greatest difference between mating with a tattooed or an untattooed woman. The idea of marriage with an untattooed woman filled him with disgust, and he intimated that tattooing was considered as a stimulus to the sexual passion in the woman herself. - W. D. Hambly, The History of Tattooing, 1925
"A man without tattoos is invisible to the Gods." - Iban Proverb - Mingatt Anak Casa (Akai Basai), Iban Headman on the Sekerang River, Sarawak, Borneo - from The Vanishing Tattoo Documentary
"The woman must bear children and the man must be tattooed." - Polynesian Proverb
You may lose your most valuable property through misfortune in various ways. You may lose your house, your wife and other treasures. But of your moko, you cannot be deprived except by death. It will be your ornament and companion until your last day. - Netana Whakaari of Te Waimana-Kākū, Tuhoe, 1921
"An everlasting gem that you will take into your grave."
Line from a traditional Polynesian song about tattooing
"In all ages, far back into prehistory, we find human beings have painted and adorned themselves." H.G. Wells
"I'll tell you this, lad: A tattoo says more of a fellow looking at it than it can do of the man who's got it on his back." - Sarah Hall -- The Electric Michelangelo
"It's only his outside; a man can be honest in any sort of skin." - Herman Melville, Moby-Dick
Everybody wants to see the pictures, and yet nobody wants to see them. Ray Bradbury, The Illustrated Man
"But to become a freak one needs a strong character and unusual determination." George Burchett - Memoirs of a Tattooist, 1956
"The employment of body marks to denote class, totems, and families illustrates stages in the evolution of group consciousness and a sense of corporate existance." - W. D. Hambly, The History of Tattooing, 1925
"One out of every ten persons in the United States is, or has been, tattooed. The figures break down into one out of every five men, and one out of every fifteen women." - Needlework: Tattoo Art Traced From Egyptian Tombs to American Social Security, The Literary Digest, 1937
Traditionally, body art has served to attract the opposite sex, boost self-esteem, ward off or invoke spirits, indicate social position or marital status, identify with a particular age or gender group or mark a rite of passage, such as puberty or marriage. It's this sort of strictly prescribed, highly ritualistic decoration that Carol Beckwith and Angela Fisher depict in their book, African Ceremonies. "We've tried to show how body art is relevant to every stage of development, from birth to death," says Angela Fisher.
"Primitive tribes were certainly convinced that the spirit, having escaped from the body at death, retained a replica of its earthly tenement. They therefore used tattoo marks as a means of identification in the next world and a passport to future happiness." - Ronald Scutt, Art, Sex and Symbol, 1974, p. 63
There's something really the matter with most people who wear tattoos, he says. I know from experience there's something terribly flawed about people who are tattooed above the little something Johnny had done in the Navy, even though that's also a bad sign. (Truman Capote, author of In Cold Blood, interviewed more than one hundred killers over a period of ten years and says eighty percent of them have one thing in common: Tattoos)
Richard Leakey - A quote from "Origins Reconsidered - In Search of What Makes Us Human".
"Each society weaves its own culture, a complex fabric of many elements, each element giving special meaning to the others. It is often difficult for someone from outside a particular culture to understand the fabric as an entity. Differences in language, in values, and in mythology create barriers to understanding. Pluck a single thread from the fabric, and the foreigner is even less likely to comprehend its significance. The painted, engraved, and carved images of prehistory are threads from past cultures, and we are the foreigners trying to interpret their meaning. Perhaps more than anything else, art can be fully understood only in the context of the culture that produced it."
In Galatians 6:17, Saint Paul says, "From this time onward let no one trouble me; for, as for me, I bear, branded on my body, the scars of Jesus as my Master."
A quote is just a tattoo on the tongue. Poet William F. DeVault
"I wanted some decoration. See, the one on my wrist is for everybody; the one on my tit is for me and my friends. Just a little treat for the boys, like icing on the cake." - Janis Joplin
"If the body is a temple, then tattoos are its stained glass windows." - Vince Hemingson, Nov. 10, 2010
"There was one I rushed into. I got a lion on my back because I’m a Leo, and I also just love lions. But I wish I’d researched the artwork a little more. My little sister saw it and said, 'Why do you have the Lion King on your back?'" - Actor Stephan Dorff on regretable tattoos...
"Tattoos to me are are like the Walmart of rebellion. I think I was looking for some kind of outward display of anguish that I was a serious person." - Actor Ryan Reynolds
"Death could come at any time", Angelina Jolie says. The tattoo is a strong reminder to live fully in the moment and never have regrets. (About her first tattoo of the Japanese Kanji for Death) "I didn't get the tattoo for the dark reason everyone thinks."
"Usually all my tattoos came at good times. A tattoo is something permanent when you've made a self-discovery, or something you've come to a conclusion about." - Angelina Jolie - 2003
Jolie says her tiger tattoo is a favorite of her kids. "They talk to it all the time. They like to say hi to it and paint it with fingerpaints. It's like a little friend." - Angelina Jolie
"I dropped my pants in a tattoo parlor in Amsterdam. I woke up in a waterbed with this funky-looking dragon with a blue tongue on my hip. I realized I made a mistake, so a few months later I got a cross to cover it. When my pants hang low, it looks like I'm wearing a dagger!" - Angelina Jolie
"It's Aslan, the lion from The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe. It's a symbol of my hellish childhood. I struggled through my oppressive teenage years and when I turned 18 I escaped. Like Aslan I was finally free." - Christina Ricci
"Sometimes I bust out and do things so permanent. Like tattoos and marriage." - Drew Barrymore
"Every time I get a tattoo, my parents say they'll disown me. I have to get them airbrushed for Charmed. Witches don't have tattoos, I guess." - Alyssa Milano
"It's kind of a show-biz lizard [in a top hat]. Tattoos to me are the outward symbol of the inward change within my soul." - Nicolas Cage
"I chose a sunflower because when darkness descends they close up to regenerate. But I really wish I'd never had the tattoo in the first place. Clean, clear skin is always better." - Halle Berry
"My skin is my canvas. The artwork on it represents something that is very powerful and meaningful in my life. I look at my skin as something of a living diary because all my tattoos represent a time in my life. And I never wish to shut the door on the past, so I carry it all with me." - Dave Navarro
"I felt bad about myself because certain people were relentlessly attacking me and my reputation. My mom kept saying 'Let it go, Lauren, It doesn't matter' … [I] realized I had to stop worrying about what other people think. The next day I got a tattoo on my lower back that says 'sticks and stones', because they may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." - Lauren Conrad
"I'm planning my most ambitious tattoo yet. You can never have enough tats." - Amy Winehouse
"Giving birth was easier than having a tattoo." - Nicole Appleton
"Quirky is sexy, like scars or chipped teeth. I also like tattoos - they're rebellious." - Jennifer Aniston
"Tattoos are like stories - they're symbolic of the important moments in your life. Sitting down, talking about where you got each tattoo and what it symbolizes, is really beautiful." - Pamela Anderson
"My body is a journal in a way. It's like what sailors used to do, where every tattoo meant something, a specific time in your life when you make a mark on yourself, whether you do it yourself with a knife or with a professional tattoo artist." - Johnny Depp
"Every time I get a tattoo, it's a little fuck-you to anyone who tells me not to. It's weird to be part of Hollywood, which tries to control every aspect of people, from what they say to the color of their hair. And I like the way getting a tattoo feels. If I'm depressed, it's nice to get one and deal with the pain. I have one all the way down to my ribs. It hurt, but it felt good-like twisting a loose tooth. I'm not kidding when I say that if I ever lose a role because of my tattoos, I'll quit Hollywood and go to work at Costco."- Megan Fox
"I think I have enough tattoos for now. If I get any others, I'll probably do my kids initials." - Niki Taylor
Britney Spears in 2000 said this about her supposedly "fake" lower back tattoo, "if I was to get a fairy on my back, that would be like she's watching my back."
"I did what I could to move the muscles in my back so the tattoo could sort of stretch out. I always wished I had more muscles that could crinkle up." - Ralph Fiennes for the film, Red Dragon (2002) as Francis Dolarhyde
"I have this huge lion tattoo embossed on my arm. I was a little worried as to how we would cover it up. But my makeup man covered the tattoo with makeup. It took close to two hours." - Sanjay Dutt
"I got my first tattoo, a Playboy Bunny, because I was young, dumb and drunk..." - Anna Nicole Smith
"I don't know why I like tattoos so much. I know it's crazy. I can't defend them. I've had some of my tattoos for twenty years. I love getting them." - Cher
"For someone who likes tattoos, the most precious thing is bare skin." - Cher
"People have asked me, what about your tattoos when you're ninety? Why would it bother me then? I would still want to get tattooed even when I'm a grandmother." - Nicole Miller, noted fashion designer
"Everybody gets the tattoo they deserve." (actor David Duchovny, who has a tattoo of a compass on his ankle, [with N, S, E, West, his daughter's name] as Fox Mulder on the X-Files, a show Thomas Lockhart worked on in the famous Tattoo episode)
"I always look for a woman who has a tattoo. I see a woman with a tattoo, and I'm thinking, okay, here's a gal who's capable of making a decision she'll regret in the future." - Comedian Richard Jeni
Vince Vaughn in the film The Wedding Crashers - "Tattoo on the lower back. Might as well be a bulls-eye."
"I wouldn't care if they tattoo Festus all over. He's been good to me."
Ken Curtis - American singer and actor best known for his role as "Festus Haggen" on CBS' long-running western drama, Gunsmoke, which he portrayed from 1964 to 1975.
"Beauty is skin deep. A tattoo goes all the way to the bone." - Vince Hemingson
"A great tattoo is a statement, not a style. And getting it is a journey, not a destination." - Vince Hemingson
Former Chicago Bull Jud Buechler said Michael Jordan wanted "me and [teammate] Steve Kerr to get tattoos" after the Bulls won their first championship. "I thought about it but didn't do it because I knew my mom, wife, and mother-in-law would kill me."
"White folks are not going to come to see a bunch of guys with tattoos, with cornrows. I'm sorry, but anyone who thinks different, they're stupid." - Charles Barkley
"Sonny and another Hells Angel who was at the meeting thought they were beyond a little patch so they headed down to a local tattoo shop in Oakland and were the first to get the famous One Percent tattoos."
Chuck Zito - a member of the New York chapter of the Hells Angels, amateur boxer, martial artist, celebrity bodyguard, stuntman and actor.
"Tattoos aren't meant for everybody and they're too goddamn good for some people." - Lyle Tuttle, tattoo artist, author, and lecturer.
"There are good tattoos and bad tattoos. Some people don't give a shit what their tattoo looks like. I always felt that my whole career was going to be judged by each tattoo I did." - Lyle Tuttle
"I'm an artist. There are a lot of people in the business who aren't. It's like they've got a shoe repair shop." - Lyle Tuttle, 1977
"I'm the man who ruined everything." (Lyle Tuttle on the popularity of modern tattooing)
"You put a tattoo on yourself with the knowledge that this body is yours to have and enjoy while you're here. You have fun with it, and nobody else can control (supposedly) what you do with it. That's why tattooing is such a big thing in prison: it's an expression of freedom—one of the only expressions of freedom there. They can lock you down, control everything, but 'I've got my mind, and I can tattoo my body—alter it my way as an act of personal will.'" - Don Ed Hardy
"It's a good thing they (tattoos) hurt, otherwise every pussy in the world would have one." - Jack Rudy
"I think of myself as a craftsman who is trying to be an artist." - Cliff Raven, Tattoo Artist
"The perfect tattoo... the one I believe we are all struggling toward... is the one that turned the jackass into a zebra." - Cliff Raven
"Stewed, Screwed and Tattooed", a colourful synopsis of shore leave for many sailors after having spent many months at sea! A good port of call for men who worked at sea often earned it's reputation by the qualities - or lack thereof - of it's drinking establishments, women and tattoo artists.
Love lasts forever, but a tattoo lasts six months longer. (Anon)
Think before you Ink! (Sign often seen in tattoo shops)
Good tattoos aren't cheap and cheap tattoos aren't good. (A sign seen in many tattoo shops)
The only difference between a tattooed person and a person who isn't tattooed is that a tattooed person doesn't care if you're tattooed or not.
(Sign often seen in tattoo shops)
The world is divided into two kinds of people: those who have tattoos, and those who are afraid of people with tattoos. -- Author Unknown
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Tattoo Culture >> Tattoo Quotes
Quotes About Tattoos
Quotes tagged as "tattoos" (showing 1-30 of 39)
Johnny Depp
“My body is my journal, and my tattoos are my story.”
― Johnny Depp
tags: life, tattoos 999 likes like
Jack London
“Show me a man with a tattoo and I'll show you a man with an interesting past.”
― Jack London
tags: character, tattoo, tattoos 245 likes like
Warren Ellis
― Warren Ellis
tags: first-aid, inspirational, tattoos 126 likes like
Sylvia Plath
“Wear your heart on your skin in this life.”
― Sylvia Plath, Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams: Short Stories, Prose, and Diary Excerpts
tags: tattoo, tattooing, tattoos 122 likes like
Laurie Notaro
“Books are to me as homemade tattoos are to an inmate. Can't get enough of them.”
― Laurie Notaro, I Love Everybody
tags: books, humor, love, tattoos 111 likes like
Jennifer Egan
“She was clean": no piercings, tattoos, or scarifications. All the kids were now. And who could blame them, Alex thought, after watching three generations of flaccid tattoos droop like moth-eaten upholstery over poorly stuffed biceps and saggy asses?”
― Jennifer Egan, A Visit from the Goon Squad
tags: 80s, friendships, future, music, tattoos 95 likes like
Kat Von D
“I am a canvas of my experiences, my story is etched in lines and shading, and you can read it on my arms, my legs, my shoulders, and my stomach.”
― Kat Von D
tags: tattoos 87 likes like
Jamie McGuire
“He scanned my face with careful hope in his eyes. “You love me?”
“It’s the tattoos,” I shrugged.”
― Jamie McGuire, Beautiful Disaster
tags: abby-abernathy, beautiful-disaster, jamie-mcguire, love, sweet, tattoos, travis-maddox 86 likes like
Alex Bell
“Believe it or not, some of us have piercings and tattoos and dye our hair because we think it looks pretty, not for any deep sociological reason. This isn't an act of protest against cultural or social repression. It's not a grand, deliberately defiant gesture against capitalists or feminists or any other social group. It's not even the fashion equivalent to sticking two fingers up at the world. The boring truth of it, Gabriel, is that I don't dress like this to hurt my parents or draw attention to myself or make a statement. I just do it because I think it looks nice. Disappointed?”
― Alex Bell, The Ninth Circle
tags: individuality, piercings, tattoos 43 likes like
C. JoyBell C.
“She had a flower tattoo on her wrist; "What does that mean?" he asked her. "Absolutely nothing," she said, "it's just a flower.”
― C. JoyBell C.
tags: heartwarming, inspirational, life-and-living, sweet-irony, sweetness, tattoo, tattoos 35 likes like
George Carlin
“If you guys want to get a MOM tattoo and save a little money, just get two letters done. Get about a one-inch capital M tattooed on each cheek of your ass in pink and brown ink. Then when you bend over, it says "Mom." Also, later on if you're havin' sex with your girlfriend, and her parents are in the next room, when you finish up you can just lie on your back, draw your legs up to your chest and silently say, 'Wow!”
― George Carlin, Brain Droppings
tags: humor, lmfao, tattoos 30 likes like
T.M. Frazier
“We are all a little damaged, Bee. Some of us more than others.”
― T.M. Frazier, The Dark Light of Day
tags: dark-fiction, motorcycles, new-adult, tattoos 28 likes like
Ilona Andrews
“He whirled in the water and grinned at me. Damn, he was a handsome bastard. I realized he was half-naked. Blue swirls of tattoos painted his chest. When God made that chest, he did to tempt women.”
― Ilona Andrews, Magic Burns
tags: bran, chest, kate, tattoos, temptation 28 likes like
Karl Pilkington
“The cafe was called Tattoos. The fella who owned it didn't have any tattoos... but we never saw his wife.”
― Karl Pilkington
tags: marriage, tattoos 27 likes like
“If people are honest with themselves when they choose a tattoo, the art will represent them better than anything that will ever come out of their mouth. The things that are most important to me are represented in the art that covers my body. My God, my family, my friends, my job, my social and historical beliefs and the aggressive or even violent nature with which I will protect all of them.....basically in that order of importance. Is it scarey or repulsive to some people? Yes. Does it change who I am? No. If anything it works as an outward conscience that will forever remind me of who I am and what is important during times of trial or long after my mind starts to fade due to old age if I'm blessed with a long life.Remove”
― Troy Holloway
tags: tattoos 22 likes like
Scott O'Connor
“They keep track of time. Sometimes things happen and you feel that you need to mark them down.”
― Scott O'Connor, Untouchable
tags: kindlehighlight, tattoos, time 19 likes like
Jaime Rush
“This would go a lot easier if you'd stop screaming in pain,' Zoe told the muscular man lying beneath her.”
― Jaime Rush
tags: out-of-the-darkness, paranormal, tattoos, urban-fantasy 9 likes like
Domashita Romero
“I'm going to get 'I'M NOT FUCKING DEAD' tattooed on my chest."
"That will become inaccurate at some point, " Omar pointed out.”
― Domashita Romero, Complicated Creation
tags: death, humor, m-m-romance, tattoos 8 likes like
Truman Capote
“There's something really the matter with most people who wear tattoos. There's at least some terrible story. I know from experience that there's always something terribly flawed about people who are tattooed, above some little something that Johnny had done in the Navy, even though that's a bad sign...It's terrible. Psychologically it's crazy. Most people who are tattooed, it's the sign of some feeling of inferiority, they're trying to establish some macho identification for themselves.”
― Truman Capote, Conversations with Capote
tags: tattoo, tattooing, tattoos 8 likes like
Denise Mathew
“I see you in every flower in the park, every color in a rainbow and in every scent that reminds me of the things I love. Without knowing how, or even why it happened, I can’t imagine a world where you don’t exist.”
― Denise Mathew, Tattoos: A Novel
tags: every-color, every-flower, every-scent, jax, love, marilee, romantic, tattoos 7 likes like
“Someday I want to get a tattoo. That's the first thing I'm going to do after I realize my biggest ambition in life: going to prison.”
― Bauvard
tags: criminals, funny, humor, tattoos 3 likes like
“Sydney's the kind of port that leaves a mark on a sailor," the old man mused.
"Really?" Haakon said, wondering what the man meant.
"It did on me," he said, opening up his shirt to display his chest. It was covered with tattoos! At the top, SYDNEY was printed in elaborate red and blue letters. Beneath that was an enticing selection of names and dates.
"Mary, 1838...Adella, 1840..." The old sailor began laughing. "Beatrice, 1843...Helen, 1846." And then finally, "Mother." There was no date after "Mother."
"Mothers you love forever," he said. Everybody laughed then, including Haakon, though the thought brought some sadness to his heart. He did love his mother forever, and he missed her as well.”
― Bonnie Bryant Hiller, Walt Disney Pictures Presents Shipwrecked
tags: mother, pirates, tattoos 3 likes like
Jay Crownover
“Seeing those scars, those marks that he most definitely had never asked for, I had to wonder how he felt about being permanently marked up against his will.”
― Jay Crownover, Rome
tags: scars, tattoos 3 likes like
L.L. Akers
“Bound by Blood, Marked by the Dragonfly.”
― L.L. Akers, Let Me Go
tags: abuse-survivors, abusive-relationships, adoption, dragonfly, survivor, tattoos, women-s-fiction 3 likes like
Shirley Corder
“We can look at our tattoos from cancer treatment as awful reminders of a ghastly time in our lives, or we can use them as reminders of what God brought us through.”
― Shirley Corder, Strength Renewed: Meditations for Your Journey through Breast Cancer
tags: cancer, inspirational, tattoos 2 likes like
Bill Maher
“New Rule: Any tattoo that has more than one line is too long.”
― Bill Maher
tags: humor, real-time-with-bill-maher, tattoo, tattoos 2 likes like
David Foster Wallace
“Your basic-type jailhouse tatt is homemade with sewing needles from the jailhouse canteen and some blue ink from the cartridge of a fountain pen promoted from the breast pocket of an unaltert public defender, is why the jailhouse genre is always the same night-sky blue. The needle is dipped in the ink and jabbed as deep into the tattooee as it can be jabbed without making him recoil and fucking up your aim. Just a plain ultraminimal blue square like Gately's got on his right wrist takes half a day and hundreds of individual jabs. How come the lines are never quite straight and the color's never quite all the way solid is it's impossible to get all the individualized punctures down to the same uniform deepness in the, like, twitching flesh. This is why jailhouse tatts always look like they were done by sadistic children on rainy afternoons.”
― David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest
tags: humor, jail, tattoos 1 likes like
Veronica Roth
“Yes, I say. Three of these flying birds. I touch my collarbone, marking the path of their flight-toward my heart. One for each member of the family I left behind.”
― Veronica Roth, Divergent
tags: birds, chapter-8, divergent, family, page-90, tattoos, tori, tris-prior, veronica-roth 1 likes like
Louise Penny
“I often think we should have tattooed on the back of whatever hand we use to shoot or write, "I might be wrong.”
― Louise Penny, A Fatal Grace
tags: garmache, guns, humility, mistakes, tattoos 0 likes like
“Tattoos made my skin more 'me.' -Melissa Maxwell”
― Larry Smith, It All Changed in an Instant: More Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous & Obscure
tags: me, six-word-memoirs, skin, tattoos 0 likes like
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The world is divided into two kinds of people: those who have tattoos,
and those who are afraid of people with tattoos. ~Author Unknown
The tattoo attracts and also repels precisely because it is different.
~Margo DeMello, Bodies of Inscription: A Cultural History of the Modern
Tattoo Community, 2000
A tattoo is a true poetic creation, and is always more than meets the
eye. As a tattoo is grounded on living skin, so its essence emotes a
poignancy unique to the mortal human condition. ~V. Vale and Andrea
Juno, Modern Primitives
For westerners, the tattoo has always been a metaphor of difference.
~Margo DeMello, Bodies of Inscription: A Cultural History of the Modern
Tattoo Community, 2000
There is no "underground" community, no dark den of drunken sailors
initiating themselves into manhood via cheap, ill-conceived exercises in
bodily perforation; it's just a group of people who delight in using
their bodies as billboards. ~Joanne McCubrey, "Walking Art: Tattoos,"
Mountain Democrat Weekend magazine, 9 February 1990
Show me a man with a tattoo and I'll show you a man with an interesting past. ~Jack London
Women, don't get a tattoo. That butterfly looks great on your breast
when you're twenty or thirty, but when you get to seventy, it stretches
into a condor. ~Billy Elmer
You may lose your most valuable property through misfortune in various
ways. You may lose your house, your wife and other treasures. But of
your moko, you cannot be deprived except by death. It will be your
ornament and companion until your last day. ~Netana Whakaari of Waimana
I always look for a woman who has a tattoo. I see a woman with a
tattoo, and I'm thinking, okay, here's a gal who's capable of making a
decision she'll regret in the future. ~Richard Jeni
For someone who likes tattoos, the most precious thing is bare skin. ~Cher
Ink to paper is thoughtful
Ink to flesh, hard-core.
If Shakespeare were a tattooist
We'd appreciate body art more.
~Terri Guillemets
A man without tattoos is invisible to the Gods. ~Iban Proverb, as quoted on
Good tattoos aren't cheap and cheap tattoos aren't good. ~Author Unknown
You think it, I ink it. ~Saying of tattooists
Tattoo. What a loaded word it is, rife with associations to goons,
goofs, bikers, tribal warriors, carnival artists, drunken sailors and
floozies. ~Jon Anderson, "Epidermal Dalis," Chicago Tribune, 6 October
Inking without a plan gives Booth freedom to explore the desires of
those seated in his chair, he says, to feed off their energy, allowing
his clients' demons to help guide the needle. ~Joshua Lipton, about
tattoo artist Paul Booth, "Bad Skin," Rolling Stone, 28 March 2002
[P]rimitive tribes were certainly convinced that the spirit, having
escaped from the body at death, retained a replica of its earthly
tenement. They therefore used tattoo marks as a means of identification
in the next world and a passport to future happiness. ~Ronald Scutt
Beauty is skin deep. A tattoo goes all the way to the bone. ~Vince Hemingson
Beauty is skin deep, unless you have really bad tattoos. ~Jacob Calle
Tattooing is about personalizing the body, making it a true home and fit
temple for the spirit that dwells inside it.... Tattooing therefore, is
a way of keeping the spiritual and material needs of my body in
balance. ~Michelle Delio
Your body is a temple, but how long can you live in the same house before you redecorate? ~Author Unknown
Tattoo the pristine flesh
What is permanent anyway?
This ink only lasts 'til the grave,
Time will decompose
That which we did compose.
~Corri Alius
The first purpose of clothes... was not warmth or decency, but
ornament.... Among wild people, we find tattooing and painting even
prior to clothes. The first spiritual want of a barbarous man is
decoration; as indeed we still see among the barbarous classes in
civilized countries. ~Thomas Carlyle
And this tattooing had been the work of a departed prophet and seer of
his island, who, by those hieroglyphic marks, had written out on his
body a complete theory of the heavens and the earth, and a mystical
treatise on the art of attaining truth; so that Queequeg in his own
proper person was a riddle to unfold; a wondrous work in one volume; but
whose mysteries not even himself could read, though his own live heart
beat against them; and these mysteries were therefore destined in the
end to moulder away with the living parchment whereon they were
inscribed, and so be unsolved to the last. ~Herman Melville, Moby-Dick
I want to get a tattoo of myself on my entire body, only two inches taller. ~Steven Wright
We are all tattooed in our cradles with the beliefs of our tribe; the
record may seem superficial, but it is indelible. ~Oliver Wendell
Holmes, Sr., The Poet at the Breakfast Table, 1872
A quote is just a tattoo on the tongue. ~William F. DeVault
Think before you ink! ~Author Unknown
Your necklace may break, the fau tree may burst, but my tattooing is
indestructible. It is an everlasting gem that you will take into your
grave. ~Verse from a traditional tattoo artist's song, as quoted on, "Skin Stories: The Art and Culture of Polynesian Tattoo," 2003
Best believe that needle hurt you
Best to see these true colors
Than follow one of your false virtues
A little secret to make you think:
Why is the crazy stuff we never say, poetry in ink?
~Eddie Van Halen, David Lee Roth, Alex Van Halen, Wolfgang Van Halen, "Tattoo"
The perfect tattoo... the one I believe we are all struggling toward...
is the one that turned the jackass into a zebra. ~Cliff Raven
My body is a journal in a way. It's like what sailors used to do, where
every tattoo meant something, a specific time in your life when you
make a mark on yourself, whether you do it yourself with a knife or with
a professional tattoo artist. ~Johnny Depp
The universality of tattooing is a curious subject for speculation. ~James Cook, 1779
Not one great country can be named, from the polar regions in the north
to New Zealand in the south, in which the aborigines do not tattoo
themselves. ~Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man
When the designs are chosen with care, tattoos have a power and magic
all their own. They decorate the body but they also enhance the soul.
~Michelle Delio
And what is it, thought I, after all! It's only his outside; a man can
be honest in any sort of skin. ~Herman Melville, Moby-Dick
Quirky is sexy, like scars or chipped teeth. I also like tattoos - they're rebellious. ~Jennifer Aniston
Louie brought his new girlfriend over, and the nicest thing I can say
about her is all her tattoos are spelled correctly. ~Robert Harling,
Steel Magnolias
[A] genuine tattoo.... tells a story. I like stories and tattoos, no
matter how well done, and if they don't tell a story that involves you
emotionally, then they're just there for decoration, then they're not a
valid tattoo. There has to be some emotional appeal or they're not, to
my way of thinking, a real tattoo. It tells people what you are and
what you believe in, so there's no mistakes. ~Leo, tattooist, 1993,
quoted in Margo DeMello, Bodies of Inscription, 2000
Thank you to Vince at The Vanishing Tattoo
for sharing some of the above quotations!
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